Lynne Renoir was born into a fundamentalist Christian family where the Bible was the central focus. She was not allowed to make mistakes or to challenge her father’s opinions. Such behavior, in his view, was the work of Satan. As God’s representative in the family, her father believed it was his duty to belt the devil out of his daughter, and he did so regularly and severely.

When the beatings continued into her twenties, Lynne finally broke free. Convinced she was a failure as a believer, she left home, and for several decades she endeavored to live by the tenets of the faith in which she had been raised.

Then when she was fifty, Lynne had an amazing experience of communication with beings in the spirit world. Under their guidance she completed a Master’s degree in Psychology and a PhD in Philosophy. She then investigated quantum theory and mysticism, coming to the conclusion that everything in the universe is one. This led her to question the idea of an external, all-powerful being who sits in judgment on his creatures.

For Lynne, the experience of realizing the oneness of all reality has been life transforming. In sharing her fascinating journey from religious indoctrination to spiritual freedom, she reveals a way to those who are seeking to find their own pathway to liberation.
