Christian Authors 1-Day Book Promotion
ContentMo is a member of numerous Christian Book Groups on Facebook. During your promo, we will post your book to 200,000 Facebook Christian Book Readers in those Christian reading Facebook groups.
This includes posting your Christian book on our Facebook page called "Jesus Christ - Daily Prayers to God & Inspiration & Christian Books" (13,500+ fans) and our Facebook group called "Christian Inspiration & Christian Books Group" (4,000+ members).
Our Terms of Service for Christian Books is at the bottom of this page.
Please give us a 72-hour lead time, if possible. Thanks!
Jesus Christ - Daily Prayers to God & Inspiration & Christian Books
Our Jesus Christ - Daily Prayers to God & Inspiration & Christian Books Facebook Page has more than 13,500 members & it's growing every day!
Christian Inspiration & Christian Books Group
Our Christian Inspiration & Christian Books Group on Facebook has about 3400+ members & grows everyday!
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Making a purchase subjects your order to our Terms of Service
Our additional TOS for Christian Books is as follows: To discourage people from ordering this promo when the book is not a Christian Book, we have these terms in place that you agree to by making a purchase and you may be asked to acknowledge on the order form:
“My book is a Christian Book. I understand that ContentMo reserves the right to reject any book that is not a Christian book & refund the purchase price less a 5% cancellation fee for a book that is NOT a Christian Book.”
If you have a question (before you order) on whether or not your book qualifies for this promotion, please use the Contact Us form below. Send us the link and we’ll check it out and reply via email. Thank you!
Note: This promo does not include a free custom image. Facebook Group posts are better served with an “auto-pop” image (when available) for one-day promos.