Almost everything in the world that we buy, consume and love, comes with instructions. However, becoming a parent and parenting doesn't come with instructions even though humans along with animals main objective, is to reproduce and breed a dynasty!

Divine Simplicity's overall mission is to unite together people of all Nationalities, Cultures and Religions through discussions of today's social issues, political stances and intellectual differences. We all as human beings are different and unique in our own personal way. With Divine Simplicity book series, we intend to engage respectfully the topics of social justice, society, politics, communities, animals and much more; in an exciting and productive manner.

Divine Simplicity is a book series intended for everyone, as a human race in whole. Children and adults of all ages can connect and comprehend Divine Simplicity's knowledge and approach to the fact that we are all united on this gigantic planet as a species of humans/people. Animals are all bred within their own race such as sharks. However there are over 400 different species of sharks. Ants also are an species of animals, yet we have over 12,000 different ants all being unique identifying with the overall common name of being an ant/animal. 

Divine Simplicity book series intends to connect readers Worldwide to simple, easy understanding teachings, that can be read in a day but the message hit as hard as a Mike Tyson hook (lol). Hope you all enjoy Divine Simplicity books by Author Yasher Echad El
