Book Description
Publication Date: January 14, 2015
Sell More Books on Kindle By Giving Them Away
Free Bonus Authors’ Promotion Kit included
You have written and published your book on Kindle. Now you want to make sales, and that can be tough. Though did you know that one way you can increase your sales potential is to give your books away? That’s right – it is possible give stuff away and increase sales. And even better – it costs you nothing either. I use this for all of my books. Now you can too. And I have put together a free bonus for you of my authors’ promotion kit.
It’s all laid out in my book: Sell More Books on Kindle By Giving Them Away. Inside is the promotional strategy I use to promote my books for free using a combination of a free tool Amazon gives to us, certain web sites and social media outlets.
In addition to the strategy being explained in step-by-step fashion I have also interviewed a number of specialist book promotional web site owners so you have hints and tips from them as well and can use their services to promote your books for free. They do have paid services though that’s entirely optional and not required.
And there’s the free bonus included of the authors’ promotion kit for you.
The free bonus authors’ promotion kit I have prepared and included as a free bonus includes an action checklist, book submission template and much more to help you promote your books and make more sales.
Download your copy today!
You can be reading your copy within minutes by purchasing today. Read about how you can sell more of your books by giving them away! Download your copy to your PC, Mac, Smartphone, Tablet or Kindle.
Tags: Kindle, Kindle Promotion, KDP, sell more books, Kindle promotion, KDP Select