Do self-defeating thoughts characterize your daily conversations with yourself?

Are you tired of this long-playing and non-stop barrage of discouraging emotions that plague you, especially during times when all you need is a simple boost of your morale to accomplish the simplest of tasks?

Do you find yourself in endless comparison with others and end up feeling defeated and lacking in every way? When you look to yourself, all you see are scars from your past, wounds that refuse to heal, and deeply embedded mistakes and regrets.

Are you struggling to see a bright future ahead of you because you feel trapped in your past and imprisoned by all the things that have gone wrong in your life and that caused you to believe that there is no getting out from this? It’s all downhill from where you are and there is no going back to change things.

The inability to BREAK AWAY from all these is not due to the fact that you can’t. It’s truly because you won’t. You REFUSE to if I may be so explicit.

If you want to truly live your life as you are meant to, reach greater heights and achieve wondrous things even beyond your wildest dreams, you need to turn 180 degrees away from all these suffocating negativity and run towards acceptance and re-discovery of who you are. You owe it to yourself to at least try.

Let me tell you what’s waiting for you in the end: the experience of celebrating who you are and what you are capable of. Now isn’t that something worth looking forward to?

All you need to do is to open up and take the first few steps, be committed in your journey as you prepare for what lies ahead.

This amazing book will walk alongside you as you delve deep and face the very reasons why you are who you are today, hindered by what you had to go through in the past. It may cause you to revisit old wounds and feel them again, but trust that the traverse will not go wasted.

The understanding will bring you to the very BREAKTHROUGH that you need, to CHANGE the trajectory of your life. It will set you on the path that will TRANSFORM you from the inside out and culminate to embracing who you are and CELEBRATING what makes you, YOU.

Now go and turn that page and start your journey towards self-discovery. You won’t regret it.
