What if I told you that you aren't stuck in anxiety, that you can break out of it crazy fast? What if I told you that confidence is just a game, a real life game and that there are always higher levels of it?

I was trapped in anxiety, shyness and depression for over a decade until I stumbled upon this truth in my lowest moments of hating myself- Confidence is a skill; it’s a muscle, and you can build it faster than we can fathom.

In fact, confidence is self-love; self compassion, and building yours is the very point of life. You see, the point of life is to achieve our highest levels of emotional growth; our most positive internal state.

Think about it. If you want to make the most impact for good in life, then it starts with your confidence- what you believe about yourself, the lens through which you see yourself.

Our confidence level, which is how loving and positive we feel, affects the actions we take, which affects the impact we make on other people's lives, the world and the results we get in our lives.

Join Josh Valentine on an extraordinary fast track journey to defeat anxiety and unlock your social potential by entering to play the game of confidence!
