The solutions set forth in this book and the Family Legacy Model™ with the six protocols will ABSOLUTELY equip you to transform your family. This is a practical guide to doing family that will cause your family to thrive today. The Family Legacy practices will ensure an enduring legacy for generations to come. As a result, I believe that businesses, communities, cultures, and nations will be transformed from the inside-out as well.

The Family Legacy Model™ is intentionally designed to equip people to know their true identity, empowering them to properly self-govern, which enables them to generationally steward the family as designed while teaching the next generation to do the same. As a result, the culture will be transformed from the inside-out.

The Family Legacy Model™
Six protocols for a thriving family, an enduring legacy and a transformed culture

Family Legacy EQ EQ= Emotional Intelligence
Creating an environment of safety, trust,
support, forgiveness, love, purpose and FUN

Family Legacy Identity Discovering together your family identity
and uniqueness: past, present and future:
creating a Family Coat of Arms, Family vision
values, and purpose, family song and family painting

Family Legacy Ritual The regular* family meeting framework:
Food, Fun, Story, Wisdom, and a supportive coach

Family Legacy Ventures The annual* family learning and legacy
adventure trip or vacation.

Family Legacy M.I.S.S.I.O.N. The Momentary, Intentional, Specific,
Supportive, Intervention, as One, in
response to a Need

Family Legacy Impartation How to intentionally impart the most
important things so your legacy endures.
The wisdom, blessing, stuff, unfinished business, and
The Family Legacy Generational Covenant.
