Within each of us lies the hero we’ve all been waiting for and want to become—our true self. Bringing this hero to work unleashes our greatest potential, resulting in higher earnings, increased satisfaction, and greater well-being. This book serves to help the struggling professional, executive, or entrepreneur in discovering their Inner Hero—which emerges with the convergence of heightened awareness, stronger boundaries, and improved communication.

Through his words and work, Clint Barr hopes to put an end to advice and mantras along the lines of "be like them," "play the part," and "fake it until you make it." These concepts are often part of what we're told to do. Such mindsets ultimately lead to lower performance output, displeasure with chosen profession, and higher stress levels from all things career and employment.

For too long, we continue sacrificing our sense of self and our happiness, never receiving what we want while pretending to be something we're not. Heroic Potential offers a new paradigm from which to approach our lives, both professionally and personally. Through Clint's knowledge of The Birkman Method, compelling case studies, and personal experiences, this book walks through five levels of self-work that lead to a greater understanding of who we are and the purpose for which each of us were created.
