Get ready to take this position that God has created for every believer to occupy!
God’s original plan for us was that we are created in His image and brought to the planet to take over the earth. But the devil isn’t going to give up. There are dark forces that war against your soul and spirit. In Hosea 4, it says that God’s people suffer due to lack of knowledge. So you are going to need spiritual weapons to win! We know that God delegated the earth back to man all the Dominion and Authority that was lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam gave it away. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus said all authority in heaven and earth has been given to US!
Then we are commissioned and sent into the world. Through Jesus Christ your dominion and authority has been restored!
Because of Jesus you can now live a life of victory in fulfilling your purpose and destiny on the earth. He has given you the power to speak to circumstances, situations, mountains, and sickness. So we are called to move things out of the way to accomplish His will on the earth. This book will open your eyes to the Dominion revelation knowledge that God wants every believer to know so that you can occupy your position of authority. Get ready to soar!