Onward: The Art of Leadership reveals a new vision of leadership and success, tailored for 21st-century leaders and taught through the lens of literature, history, and cinema.

On our adventure we'll master public speaking with Winston Churchill. We'll learn negotiation tactics from Nelson Mandela. Pixar will teach us the power of brand equity. We'll plan our retirement years with Michael Corleone himself, and grow our wealth with Wall Street's Gordon Gekko. We'll shine a life-saving light on addiction and discover the key to overcoming life's greatest tragedies alongside Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl.

Jurassic Park. Napoleon Bonaparte. The Matrix. TED Talks. Alexander the Great. Elon Musk. Star Wars. These are our teachers. And through them, we will transform our approach to leadership and life.

Onward: The Art of Leadership. Timeless principles. Today's voice.

Onward: The Art of Leadership
By Huckabee, Mark Joseph
