Book Description
Publication Date: November 25, 2014 | Age Level: 7 - 12 | Grade Level: 2 - 7
A teddy bear has until sunrise to overcome his fear of the night and battle the beasts that hold his young master prisoner in Monsterland.
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FLUFFY the teddy bear's boy RICK is taken in the night by monsters that the teddy bears believed to have been extinct. Fluffy goes to the attic in search of the teddy bear elders for help, but is accused of spreading fear among the teddy bears. He is therefore banished across the sea to the land of misfit bears. Now Teddy must survive The Pits and an onslaught of darkness and evil creatures to find his way into the Land of the Shadows and Monsters. The journey requires the assistance of a quirky pink teddy bear named MIA and the one-eyed bear KLIDE. Fighting their way to Rick, Teddy discovers a plot much larger than he could have expected.