Lucy The Cat: Little Brother
By Pertti Pietarinen

Book Description

Publication Date: September 9, 2014 | Age Level: 0 - 16

Charming Picture Book for Children and Cat Lovers

This is the second book in Lucy The Cat series, the charming story about Lucy, the curious, cute Sacred Birman cat. 

This time Lucy tells about her little brother Cristiano. You will meet Cristiano already when he was only a few days old. You will see how Cristiano learns many new things during his first few weeks. Will Cristiano become the best soccer player or the world’s strongest cat? But first he needs to learn to take care of himself. Of course mama cat helps and teaches him. You will learn that young kitten’s life is full of surprises and funny things. Lucy is the expert to tell the story because she is a cat, too. Humans have sometimes challenges to understand cats’ inner life. Therefore it is better to have a real expert’s view from Lucy The Cat. 

Especially Children and cat lovers will enjoy this beautiful picture book. 

Lucy The Cat loves her brother, because he is a perfect, purrfect kitten. Meow to everyone!
