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New Post ➡ #FREE #KINDLE #BOOK ➡ Tollerra: Master Your Beliefs, Energy and Manifestation by Mary Ann Robbat


Your beliefs, conscious or unconscious, can either help or hinder you from living the life you really want and deserve. Tollerra offers a unique and accessible approach to deeply heal, get unstuck, and find clarity and fulfillment.

The Success Triad of Tollerra brings together 3 important elements of the Tollerra approach: Beliefs, Energy and Manifestation and helps you:
• Identify what you really want in your life
• Feel strong, clear and focused
• Create beliefs that support you realizing your dreams
• Generate positive energy flowing throughout your entire body
• Live a more purposeful, abundant and fulfilled life

Are you ready to embark on a remarkable journey of discovery?

The Success Triad of Tollerra combines the wisdom of ancient practices with innovative, practical, new techniques to accelerate the manifestation of the life you desire.

"Enlightening, inspirational, and full of practical examples of how to manifest the life you want. Tollera is a true gift."
- Lisa Genova, New York Times bestselling author of Still Alice and Left Neglected.

MARY ANN ROBBAT is a leader, teacher, coach, expert energy practitioner, and creator of the Tollerra Energy Mastery System. She has a Master’s Degree in Education from Boston University, certification from The Center for Creative Leadership, and certification as a Success Unlimited Network coach. Her professional experience includes 15 years as a corporate executive working at senior management level and 25+ years running her own energy healing and coaching business.

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