Blog Post ➡ #FREE on Kindle Unlimited #BOOK ➡ Simple Keto Diet Cookbook: Easy Keto Recipes for Pizza, Sandwiches, Pates, Desserts & Snacks by Dana Patton
Do you know how to lose weight without feeling hungry? Can you imagine, food with high-fat content that will be tasty and healthy at the same time? After all these years, here’s the answer you’ve been looking for. This book is filled with easy to prepare and delicious keto diet recipes. But the most important thing is that this book will allow you not to give up your favorite pizza or burgers and you switch to the keto diet easily. In this book, you can find:
• detailed instructions for preparing keto pizza crust with pictures and useful tips, as well as pizza recipes;
• detailed instructions for cooking almond bread with photos and explanations of its healthy properties;
• recipes for various keto sandwiches;
• detailed instructions for making flaxseed bread with pictures and explanations of its healthy properties;
• detailed instructions for making keto bread made from peanut butter;
• keto pates recipes;
• keto desserts recipes.