
#FREE #CHRISTIAN #EBOOK > ALL DEVICES >> #KINDLE #KOBO #NOOK #IPHONE #IPAD > The Book of Joel and the Coming Stellar Invasion

Book Description:This is a brand new, literal, amplified translation of Joel. It also features a block-style commentary. This isnโ€™t a verse-by-verse exposition, but rather takes several verses at a time and seeks to relate them to our present societโ€ฆ

Book Description:
This is a brand new, literal, amplified translation of Joel. It also features a block-style commentary. This isnโ€™t a verse-by-verse exposition, but rather takes several verses at a time and seeks to relate them to our present society and to the end times. This is written from a fundamental Christian perspective and seeks to encourage the church to hear the timeless call of Joel to repent and believe. 



#FREE #CHRISTIAN #EBOOK > ALL DEVICES >> #KINDLE #KOBO #NOOK #IPHONE #IPAD > Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness

Book Description: This work leverages a Hebrew Roots-Messianic Judaism framework to explore how satan works against humanity through confusion and deceit to keep people from the true Gospel Message and the Covenantal relationship offered by G_Dโ€ฆ

Book Description: 

This work leverages a Hebrew Roots-Messianic Judaism framework to explore how satan works against humanity through confusion and deceit to keep people from the true Gospel Message and the Covenantal relationship offered by G_D. 


Exposed in prophecy is the false wisdom (Babylon) woven into this so called enlightened temporal world as well as the solution for humanity ... which is Grace and Torah ... provided by G_D through Yeshua HaMashiach known commonly throughout the world as Jesus Christ. 


This work also undertakes an overview of the Holy Commandments within a Jewish context provided to us by Yeshua, the Master Rebbe! As we spiral towards the end times, both Judaism and Christianity need to really consider what qualifies as Biblical separation from this temporal world.




Book Description: This work details G_D's great plan for creation and restoration as revealed through the eternal Holy Days and prophecy contained with G_D's Torah and does so from a Messianic Judaism or Hebrew Roots perspective. It is importanโ€ฆ

Book Description: 
This work details G_D's great plan for creation and restoration as revealed through the eternal Holy Days and prophecy contained with G_D's Torah and does so from a Messianic Judaism or Hebrew Roots perspective. It is important as we approach the end times that all believers - both Jewish and adherents of Christianity grasp the awesome fulfillment of the Festivals by, in and through Israel's Mashiach Yeshua (Jesus Christ). 

This work reveals Yeshua's great "aliyah" (ascent) to glory and consequently the great aliyah of Messiah's faithful community ... a.k.a. Israel! Are we making our aliyah? 

The Biblical Festivals are not just for the Jews and in truth represent the real Christian Holy Days as opposed to the shadows of Holy Festivals being presently observed and revered.




Book DescriptionThere is no greater thought, to me, than to contribute to and for the Kingdom of God... from the first fruits of your labor. This eBook is an inspirational collection of poetry... laid on my heart, and I give it to you. God's messageโ€ฆ

Book Description
There is no greater thought, to me, than to contribute to and for the Kingdom of God... from the first fruits of your labor. This eBook is an inspirational collection of poetry... laid on my heart, and I give it to you. God's message is free and it is the message all humanity can benefit from- eternal life is yours for the asking. I do hope you will do more than ponder these words... and will take them to heart.Matthew 6:33 KJV But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.




Book DescriptionThis is a 25 question interactive tutorial on baptism that clearly explains 1 Pet 3:21. It asks and answers questions that every Bible Student who reads that verse really need to know. It gives a powerful and clear definition ofโ€ฆ

Book Description
This is a 25 question interactive tutorial on baptism that clearly explains 1 Pet 3:21. It asks and answers questions that every Bible Student who reads that verse really need to know. 

It gives a powerful and clear definition of baptism right out of the Bible. You may disagree with some of the content, but will never be able to prove it wrong. This book is a clear cut example of how to stick with the Bible throughout your studies, and not be side tracked by all the noise that cannot be found in the Bible... 



#FREE #CHRISTIAN #EBOOK > ALL DEVICES >> #KINDLE #KOBO #NOOK #IPHONE #IPAD > Cremate or Bury, What Saith the Bible?

Book DescriptionHave you ever thought about your very last decision here on earth? Will you be cremated or buried? Do you have enough information and facts to make an informed decision? If you think it doesn't matter, read this book to find out justโ€ฆ

Book Description
Have you ever thought about your very last decision here on earth? Will you be cremated or buried? Do you have enough information and facts to make an informed decision? If you think it doesn't matter, read this book to find out just how much it matters!  

The author exposes a few โ€œdirty little secretsโ€ of the cremation industry, which is dreadful and terrible for relatives, but vitally imperative in the readerโ€™s decision making process.  Non-Christians even find this book to be a secular treasure-trove of information related to the subject at hand. Even if you donโ€™t believe in the bible โ€“ read this book!Brace yourself as this book will shock you! 



#FREE #CHRISTIAN #EBOOK > ALL DEVICES >> #KINDLE #KOBO #NOOK #IPHONE #IPAD Encounter with Jesus Christ: End of Time Warnings

Book DescriptionA Divine revelation and warning of the end times. A life-transforming book. On July 19, 2011, at 10 am, Regina Clarinda had just begun her daily quiet time with God, when something happened. โ€œAll of a sudden my room became so bright.โ€ฆ

Book Description
A Divine revelation and warning of the end times. A life-transforming book. On July 19, 2011, at 10 am, Regina Clarinda had just begun her daily quiet time with God, when something happened. โ€œAll of a sudden my room became so bright. A dazzling white light appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. A few seconds later, it became so bright and blinding that I had to close my eyes and cover my face with my hands.    

โ€œBe not afraid, My daughter.โ€ A voice was heard. Straight away I knew it was Jesusโ€™ voice. "Fear not My daughter, I have chosen you to deliver My messages to My people around the world. I will bring you with Me and show you many things that have never been shown and revealed to the world before."... 



#FREE #Christian #EBOOK > All Devices >> God's Will for our Daily Lives #Kindle #Kobo #Nook #iPhone #iPad

God's Will for Our Daily Lives is a fantastic read... the author points out several key factors: Spiritual Development, Sacred Duty, Rightness in Life, Goodness at Heart and Rightness in Godโ€™s Sight... Well researched and well written... Godโ€™s will for our lives is a lifestyle of holiness, devotion, faithfulness, dedication and service. Such subjects as the issues of perfection, law of Moses and law of Christ, faith, works, grace, sin in a believerโ€™s life, holiness, righteousness, mercy, and love are all made clear in this simple, but multi-faceted read giving details of a believerโ€™s growth from infancy to maturity. This book is such a great book โ€“ as it gives readers a big sigh of relief...



#FREE #Christian #EBOOK > All Devices >> Prayers for the Family #Kindle #Kobo #Nook #iPhone #iPad

Prayers for the Family is a novena and a prayer booklet for todayโ€™s Catholic family featuring highlights from Pope Francis' teachings on the family.The booklet includes many new prayers for a variety of family needs, a novena with nine days of specificc intentions related to family life, and a new and unique โ€œLitany of the Familyโ€ that calls for the intercession of holy spouses and parents throughout salvation history. At a time when the beauty of this ancient institution is misunderstood and under attack, Steubenville Press offers this prayer booklet inspired by the teachings and example of Pope Francis, to illuminate, enrich, protect, and celebrate the family. 
