By The Day Social Media Flex Plan

Promotions for Authors & Publishers

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Our rates are a low $2.99 per day.
Order only the number of days you need! ~ Perfect for a Kindle Countdown Promotion!

You get:
• 4 posts daily on BlueSky (2) & Threads (2)

• One Facebook Reader Group post to 50,000 readers

Order 10 Days or more and we'll add:

• Facebook Reader Group posts to 250,000 readers

• 2 Pinterest Pin per 10 days
• 1 Blog Post on ContentMo the 1st Day of the Plan
• 4 Tweets to promote the blog post to our Twitter followers
• 1 Tumblr post
• 1 Facebook Page Post per 10 days

Your book can be any price. One URL link per order.

Once you pay for your order using PayPal or your credit card, you'll be redirected to an order form to give us the details of your book / website / newsletter signup. One URL link per order. Please make the Start Date of your order at least 4 days in advance.

INSTRUCTIONS: Once you click the "Buy Now" button, your payment screen will show a QUANTITY field. Please change the quantity to the number of days you're ordering. The total of your order will be $2 x the quantity of days you've entered.


By The Day Social Media Flex Plans are best suited to promotional periods under 10 days. If you want a 30-Day plan, our $30 for 30 Days plan is a better value.

If you want more tweets per day, and your promotional period is 1, 2 or 7-Days, our Social Media Plans for Authors will fit your needs.

We also have Kindle Unlimited & 99¢ Book Promos that start at 10 Days.