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BLOG POST ➣ 99¢ #Kindle Book #Deal & Avail Kindle Unlimited ➣ Overcoming Anxiety: Conquer Anxiety and Panic Attacks For Good 100% Naturally (The Overcoming Series Book 1) by Tirzah Hawkin

Imagine feeling in control of your emotions and no longer dealing with an anxiety attack on your way to work. You might be surprised to know that you can conquer and overcome anxiety. It may be easier than you imagined it could be. How would I know? Because I’ve personally done it.

My anxiety and depression began in my early teenage years. I suffered from severe social anxiety that made it difficult to go to school, church, a grocery store, or anywhere else there would be a large group of people I didn’t know. Hanging out with friends or family in groups larger than three or four would also trigger my social anxiety. At the age of twenty, I began experiencing extreme panic attacks that could last up to an hour at a time.

I tried many different medications, but the side effects were often worse than just going without them. Something inside me knew there was a better way, and I never quit searching for it. I was twenty-six when I finally found the beginning thread that led me to the health freedom I have now.

I began learning about natural health and enrolled in a naturopathic doctor program. The more I studied, the more fascinated I was by natural health. As I learned, I began applying everything I learned to myself to better understand how it all worked; and eventually, my health transformed.

Then I began utilizing my new-found knowledge with my clients. When they began to have powerful results as well, I began putting together a comprehensive strategy for anyone suffering from what I call the warning signs of autoimmune.

I realized that symptoms like anxiety, depression, acid reflux, and chronic pain, among others, were early warning indicators of something much deeper going on in the body.

This book is a great standalone reference book for anyone suffering from anxiety who wants to work with their body holistically or an introductory book to my Overcoming Autoimmune Book Series.

If you are ready to Overcome Anxiety, then what are you waiting for? Start reading this book today.

Tirzah Hawkins is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.