BLOG POST ➣ Featured 99¢ #Kindle Book #Deal ➣ Principles of the Kingdom: God's Success Principles by James M. Becher
Do you know what it takes to be successful?--to succeed in business as well as in life itself? In this Biblical self-help success book, the author contends that God has several principles, which if followed can lead to success either in business or in life itself. He further contends that although many of these same principles may be found among the motivational speakers and thinkers of today and yesterday, that they were originally derived from Holy Scripture, whether or not these spokespersons are aware of it. He points to Jesus' parables to show that not everyone who preaches or practices Kingdom principles will be found to be in the Kingdom at the end. The 17 chapters of this book contain 17 articles relating to 17 of these principles.
· Knowing you purpose · forgetting the past · conquering fear · believing · focusing · sowing and reaping · resting and 10 others. (For a complete list of the principles included in this work, check the "Table of Contents.")