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BLOG POST Today's Featured .99¢ Kindle Book is Out >> Sink or Swing: Working Out When Life Isn't Working Out @ChadVHoltkamp

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Sink or Swing, a detailed account of balancing life, personal challenges, diets and staying in shape!

Sink or Swing – Working Out When Life Isn't Working Out,from author Chad V. Holtkamp follows up his bestselling debut release Work Out, Pig Out. Sink or Swing is a month-by-month retelling of his fitness and dieting regimens and how they fit in with the everyday life of a busy professional.

As chronicled in his hilarious first book, Work Out, Pig Out – A Year of Losing Fat, Gaining Muscle, and Eating Lots of Ice Cream, Chad V. Holtkamp tried nearly a dozen workout plans throughout 2014. While dealing with a recurring shoulder injury, he got stronger and healthier while stripping off his belly fat, feasting and fasting his way through enormous amounts of food, including his beloved ice cream.

Author Chad V. Holtkamp gives us a refreshing look at fitness and the way that life can interrupt even the most well-laid plans!

Sink or Swing picks up as the calendar turned to 2015. Those successes - and failures - from 2014 led him to stop jumping from program to program. He focused on finding that one perfect workout, that one plan which would finally break him through to the best shape of his life. Armed with iron determination and a handful of kettlebells, he embarked on what he dubbed “40 Days + 10,000 Swings.”

Too bad life kept getting in the way!

As he made his way through the workouts, his dad was facing one of toughest challenges anyone can face - small cell lung cancer. Every quest has its roadblocks, its ups, and downs. Would Chad and his dad have the perseverance to make it through?

If you are facing your own fitness challenges, or life seems to be constantly throwing challenges in front of you, then Sink or Swing – Working Out When Life Isn't Working Out could be exactly the book you’re looking for! Scroll back up to the top of this page and hit ‘BUY IT NOW!’