Kobo Inc.


After the Gun III: the anatomy of a toothache

This serial anthology gets its root from a sister series, 'Under the Gun' which originally appeared on the blog b2publishing. Both 'UTG' and 'ATG' are extreme forms of experimental literature where the content is published immediately after creation. One quick run of spell check is the only thing between the pontificator's thoughts and the reader's mind. There is little editing, absolutely no safety net, and no lawyers have been harmed in the process (to date). You are about to read the next...


Kobo Inc.


Don't Chew on the Sharp End of the Pencil

For writers and non-writers alike, this is a collection of stories about time management, motivation, content, and how to find the happy ending in your story and your life. For those looking to break into the industry-or anyone looking to find the writer within-this collection put together by the Edmonton Writers Group is sure to have something for you.

