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BLOG POST > #FEATURED #PAPERBACK #BOOK ● ▸▸▸ Fluctuating Vibes Stories & Poems by Jacqueline Rainey

Me, I'm the voice of everyone's conscious in this twisted tale of zip codes, money and murder, for some reason everyone in these homes of lies and deceit don't seem to find me threating. I'll never forget the first time I met Lenni and Guy Wisemen, it was the Summer of 2003 and I was fresh out of real-estate school and my real-estate license was practically burning a hole in my pocket, I was excited about all the money I was going to be making and all the beautiful homes I was going see and be showing. Getting the prime listings wasn't easy at first, but I found a way around that after I slept with this gorgeous flexible yoga instructor named Alonzo Lovely, who I later found out is the husband of Karrissa Lovely who I sold a huge seven-bedroom mansion to in Sedona Arizona. It turned out that Alonzo knew someone who knew someone at the top of the real-estate food chain, and I slept with him too and voila here I am selling mansions to the very, very rich and snobbish.

Zip Codes Money and Murder

Last Spring Charles was shot by a so-called intruder when he walked in on the vandal unexpectedly, poor Charles his arm was in a sling for months after getting shot in the right shoulder, no tennis for him for a while. The stolen property of a few fur coats and JW's jewelry where quickly returned after a pawn shop owner in Phoenix match the serial numbers on some of the jewelry with the police report filed by June and Charles.

The night of the Winter Ball JW walked into the grand entry way of Len's Scottsdale mansion with her grey full-length mink coat hanging from her shoulders. One of the serving staff walked by with a tray of filled champagne and wine glassed and stopped to offer her a drink while another service staff member tried to take her coat, but JW refused. She took a glass of champagne from the drink tray and headed toward the small circle of women with Len being in the center as usual. JW could hear the women cackling like the gossiping hens they were, and she decided to fortify herself with a bit of liquid courage by finishing off the glass of champagne she had in her hand and picking up another off a server's tray while not missing a step as she headed for what she knew to be the lioness den.

"You look like a jack ass wearing that fur coat, for god sakes we're in Arizona!" Karrissa Lovely said fanning herself and rolling her eyes. "Or are you your own security system since the burglary and that's why it looks like you're wearing every piece of jewelry you own?" Karrissa said laughing snootily.

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