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Featured eBook on ContentMo >> Magical Love Messages Between Kindred Spirits @hd_wright



Love is the one thing so many of us desire to have in our lives, and yet, it is the one thing we so often fail to achieve. Sometimes we think we have to do or say something to earn someone's love when what we fail to realize is that love, first and foremost, comes from God. Every kind of love we feel and share with others is a result of our spiritual connection to a power much greater and stronger than all of us.

When reflecting on the nature of this book, I wanted to share many poetic works I have drafted in the realm of love and friendship. I feel they are two sides of the same coin and the very things we need to sustain us and give us life. When it comes to matters of the heart, I have truly had some interesting experiences, so many of which I did not understand, yet the lessons I learned were profound.

The one thing I have learned is that love exists in many different ways and in many diverse forms in the areas of spiritual connections. Through the power of kindred spirits, I have come to feel the kind of love God wants each of us to enjoy and experience. I have heard that it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all, and through the content of this book, you will feel the great power of love in many unique ways.

If you feel a lack of love in your life or feel you have not experienced the power of spiritual love in its greatest form, I sincerely hope you will enjoy this book, Magical Love Messages Between Kindred Spirits, as each chapter contains a special message of love that will transform your life and your connections with those to whom you feel special ties.