➡ #FREE #KINDLE #BOOK ➡ Nightlight: Soul Calling, Body Listening, Heart Speaking by Cara Lee Barker Ph.D.
In this, my third book, all I can share is those experiences of struggle I’ve had, in four domains. The conflicts have centered around: (1) Loss and Trauma; (2) challenges to find the best Direction, that ‘now, what’ dilemma ; (3) battles to find and empower inner and outer Voice; and (4) conflicts arising from Love, or the appearance of its absence. You will find the four are not distinct entities, but are interwoven with one another. This is so for clients, over the last 50 years, as well. Think of these categories as bumper cars, where when one car hits an obstacle, it sets off a chain reaction. While struggles to survive each experience is painful, it has proven true that the toughest conflicts have been the most prolific seedbed for growth. The urge to grow is embedded in all creation. Blocked growth thwarts development.