➡ #FREE #KINDLE #BOOK ➡ Mythomania: A Psychodrama Revisited (Worst Thanksgiving Book 1) by N. Michael Mangold
Parallel to individual Personality Disorders, there are corresponding Societal Disorders which reflect a particular society's approach to domestic and foreign policies. We in the United States support "leaders" who carry these disorders, often to fatal consequences. At the very best, these policy makers have Narcissistic PD's. At the very worst, Malignant Narcissism and even Sociopathy.
This is evident all around us. Even as I write this Description, the metaphor is playing itself out at all levels of government. U.S. troops are fleeing Afghanistan after 20 years of failed empire-building. One former president holds birthday extravaganzas with unmasked friends who are giving us peons a big middle finger. I have a new saying: "The rules are for thee and not for me." Accepting this state of affairs is my number one complaint about my fellow Boomers. Yes, there IS something wrong with this country. Don't deny and hide. Don't victim-blame. WE did this to ourselves and to our heirs.
I added so much extra material to this revision of "Mythomania: A Psychodrama" that I decided to publish it as a separate book. Gone is my naiveté about making positive changes through the same old channels. My Treatment Plan is still here, but merely as a blueprint for those who are too scared to think outside the propaganda box. I still hold onto the belief that as Americans again taste hard-fought freedoms, that they will hunger for more. Is that naïve? Probably. But I still thrive on hope.