New Blog Post ➡ #FREE #KINDLE #BOOK ➡ Dream On!: The Alarm Clock of Your Life Hasn't Gone Off Yet by Connie Czepiel
Mine has been no ordinary life and I would like to take you along on my journey. So many dreams of serving others have been fulfilled. But I do not leave it there. I also help you to take action to fulfill YOUR dreams. Learn some practical strategies.
Here's where we are going:
1.Peace Corps. I joined at the age of 60 and spent 2 years in Botswana working on the AIDS pandemic
2.I served on the Africa Mercy hospital ship for 7 months in Madagascar
3.I went to New Guinea to serve with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)
4.I served with Samaritan’s Purse in North Vietnam, Liberia (post Ebola), Greece (the refugee crisis), Jordan (a Bedouin hospital), South Sudan (the youngest nation on earth) and Nepal (on earthquake rebuilds). I went multiple times to some of these locations and learned so much!
My theme is, don’t give up on your dreams! It’s not too late! I will teach you how to resurrect old dreams and remodel them. Or how to create a new dream. Many have had their dreams shattered lately. Don’t let a virus steal your dream! You can do this!! Don’t give up!! Many of my stories occurred between the ages of 60-71. It’s not too late to make a difference or to start off in a new direction. Let my life be an inspiration. Dream On!