Blog Post > Today's #FREE FEATURED #KINDLE #BOOK >> No Failing Students @failnostudent
When problem-students meet a teacher with a plan everyone can have a happy outcome…
“The atmosphere in the classroom was toxic.
It was a mixture of regular students, special needs students and a couple of ‘professional troublemakers’ that wore ankle bracelets
But it wasn’t the ‘ankle bracelet students’ that were causing the problem…
There were three specific students in the ‘center of the storm’.
“Yes … These three kids have been a problem since the beginning of the year… we might need to have them take summer school” Said the Vice-Principal when I asked him why these particular kids were having such a hard time.
But you see, this was not my first teaching position. And I wasn’t going to let that happen…
I implemented the ‘No Failings Students’ teaching method in this class.
And sure, there were some objections at first,
But as the weeks went by, there was less fighting…
Fewer airplanes whizzing by.
And less failing grades.
But what made the biggest impact was that the atmosphere in the classroom changed completely.
It wasn’t just these three kids that were ‘saved’, it was the entire class.
Here’s what you’ll discover in "No Failing Students"…
•Seven well organized proven steps for immediate implementation to bring out the best in all students.
•Detailed examples of how to identify vocabulary that is essential for students to learn and be successful in your classroom.
•An easy proven way to identify which students will struggle with your content so you can give assistance immediately to reach and meet the needs of every learner in your classroom.
•Clever Ideas for motivating students to want to learn without compromising academic rigor.
•A time-saving plan for re-designing practice work using higher order thinking skills in every content area on every level. There is no need to give up your personal life to have successful students.
•Assessment formats than can be adapted by any teacher to increase a student’s confidence and success on assessments yet save you hours of time.
•Mistakes that you do not want to make that will cause students to fail.
The most important benefit of this book is that in a short period of time you can move students from failure to involved, confident, successful, happy learners.
Diane Hunt has a passion for helping teachers and schools to have No Failing Students one classroom at a time. She is an educational consultant, presenter, author, and has 25 plus years teaching experience. Diane has a Master of Science and a Master of Arts Degree in Education. She has presented at the annual conference of the Association for Middle Level Education, Common Core Saturdays, the National Conference on College and Career Readiness, Michigan Charter School Conference, and National High School Association Conferences.