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NEW BLOG POST > CONTENTMO > #CHILDREN'S BOOK 🙆 > I AM the joy in my heart and the bliss in my head by Christina Ball

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This book is designed to be interactive by means of the song that is on every two page spread. The parent/adult or child sings the song however it sounds best to them, after all, it's about using your own creativity. The parent/adult can then put their hands over the heart while singing "I AM the joy in my heart' and can then perhaps swirl ther hands in upward movements from their face to above their head while singing 'and the bliss in my head' showing the child how to interact while singing the song-be creative by singing and interacting with the song in your own creative way! Learn to do all you do everyday in your own creative way and know that the joy and bliss that you feel truly comes from within you and only by you choosing to feel and be the joy and the bliss are you in that wonderful state of being. Joy and bliss is 'Love' and love is what you are! You cannot see in the world or in others what is not within you first so please find the joy and bliss that comes with the unconditional love that is your true self/essence and allow that to rise and rise within you and you will only experience a world full of moments of loving, peaceful, harmonious joy and bliss!