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An educational book about good friends, "MY FAVORITES ARE THE HERBIVORES. HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH A PLANT EATING DINOSAUR" is a fantasy story for children about how to make friendships. The main character of the book is a curious boy who is fascinated with dinosaurs who keep him company throughout the day. He dreams of plant-eating dinosaurs that will help him eat meals, keep him company at bedtime and share this discovery with skeptical friends. Presented in easy to read English, the ten page illustrated book presents life lessons for kids with herbivore dinosaurs as mentors. Anyone searching for a children's book for ages 6-9 will find "MY FAVORITES ARE THE HERBIVORES. HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH A PLANT EATING DINOSAUR" educates children to follow guides that will keep them out of trouble. Plant eating dinosaurs help to strengthen friendships and play a crucial part in everyday living. Parents will find useful advice to help make strong children.
Some reviews of the book. Prisrob top 100 reviewer, "(T)he author has written a cute book for children about dinosaurs, the kind that eat vegetables and fruits, not meat. The illustrations depict the adventures of the boy. Upon reading the book, you will learn about many dinosaurs. I like children's books that have a lesson to be learned."
Review by Barbara Ann Mojica, "Dinosaur treats. Short bedtime story about a little boy who loves plant-eating dinosaurs because he fears the carnivores who eat each each other and just might want to eat him! The boy hopes these herbivores become his friends. Every night, after his mom reads a bedtime story about herbivores, he carefully unwraps the vegetable he has hidden in a napkin for them and places them on his windows He even shows his dinosaur friends how to eat them and invites them to his bed."
Author Bob Strauss writes "pretty much every kid in the world goes through a “dinosaur phase,” when he or she eats, sleeps and breathes dinosaurs. But he knows, for a fact, that they're no longer around. A Tyrannosaurus Rex, no matter how huge and hungry, is thus rendered completely safe. No one tells a full-grown Stegosaurus that he has to go to bed, finish his peas before he can have dessert, or take care of his baby sister. Dinosaurs represent, in kids' minds, the ultimate: when they want something, they go out and get it, and nothing had better stand in their way. The reason parents don't mind when their kid pretends to be a fierce Allosaurus is that this kind of “disobedience” allows him to harmlessly blow off steam; it's better to deal with a pesky dinosaur than a child having an ugly tantrum." Many parents know this behavior all too well. Get this charming book, "MY FAVORITES ARE THE HERBIVORES. HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH A PLANT EATING DINOSAUR." By Andy Williams now.