#CHRISTIAN #KINDLE #EBOOK > Thirsty: Reflections on Thirst as a Means of Grace by Rhoda Preston
When we read the Bible as one continuous story, we discover a recurring theme: the phenomenon of thirst. We encounter parched land, thirsty trees, thirsty deer, dry bones, and desperately thirsty people—Hagar in the desert, the Hebrew people in the wilderness, Elijah at the Cherith Brook, the Samaritan woman at the well, and so many more. And to each God offers the ultimate invitation: “Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.” Written for adult Bible study groups and individuals seeking to grow in their Christian faith, Thirsty: Reflections on Thirst as a Means of Grace reflects on ways God uses periods of drought and thirstiness as channels of God’s gracious, empowering love. Each chapter encourages readers to recognize their own thirstiness as a gift from God and includes personal anecdotes, a look at one or more Bible stories, suggestions for discussion or reflection, and a beverage recipe.