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BLOG POST ➣ Today's Featured .99¢ Kindle Book Is Out ➣ SIMPLE RECIPES OF BREAD: 50 recipes of bread with spices and herbs

Baking bread is easy with the right approach. For the purposes of this introductory guide, we’re going to keep things simple, without (too much) ramble. The focus here is giving you, the reader, value, and knowledge.

Having some sort of "baking" experience prior to baking bread (like baking cookies, cakes or pies) will lend you a better footing in the world of baking bread; don't fret! It isn't mandatory to have experience with the oven, at the end of the day, you'll get the same results if you dedicate more time to learn and practice the art. Baking bread comes with its own universe of ingredients and combinations.

To start the learning process, let’s digest the following claim: A loaf of bread is the combination of flour, yeast, water, and salt.

Why Do You Need These Recipes
The question would rather be Why not?

To those who don’t cook… you’ll eventually find a moment in which you’ll find the desire to cook or bake. You’ll feel like preparing something really good, and the motive will most likely be the same: Love!
Love for that significant other that is in our lives, love for that person that thought we would never cook, and many times, love for our beloved ones, love for the little ones that crave for something sweet every now and then.

To those who cook already… Well, there’s not much I can say that you don’t know already, but I can give you a tip.

There are some great recipes here! There are some easy to make ones, but there’s also the more hands-on ones; in the majority of the cases, however, they require something we’re often lacking: time.
Don’t be afraid of trying baking for the first time; in this book, you’ll find just what you need to get started!
Baking bread is more than worth it, and you’ll soon find that for yourself!

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