01/29/15 Today's Featured .99¢ Kindle Book is Out >> 19 Budget Hacks for College Students: How to Live on $15/Day Without Dying @LearnuOrg
Book Description
Publication Date: January 18, 2015
Would you die if you had to live on $15/day?
I did. I lived on $15/day I mean, and as you can see, I'm alive to tell the tale!
Listen, living on a budget can be really hard, especially if you're in college. For most of us, we can't just ask our parents for more money. We've got to figure out how to make it.
If it's your first time living on your own, that's a tall order.
Just living is hard. But you'll probably have a full schedule of classes and maybe even a job!
Luckily, all you’ll need is a few simple skills (and maybe a few secrets)...
Here's the good news: living on a budget doesn't HAVE to be hard.
It's a skill. You can learn it. And it gets even easier if you have access to a few of the top-secret techniques of the "frugal elite," the folks who've mastered the art of living on very little.
That's what we're tackling in this book...
You’ll learn:
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to be comfortable and happy with very little money.
- Budgeting techniques
- How to prioritize spending
- How to get rent for cheap
- How to create an insanely cheap food budget
- How to hack your transportation and pay less than half of what you pay now
- How to do a bunch of things yourself instead of paying for it
- How to decide what to cut out of your life to save money (and what not to)
- To me, this is the most important thing. Living on $15/day doesn't mean you need to live like a Spartan.
It just means you have to live differently.
And you can be perfectly happy, so we'll tackle that too.
Sound cool?
Click that buy button to learn how to streamline your entire financial existence in the next 90 minutes.