12/15/14 Today's Featured .99¢ Kindle Book is Out >> 21 Questions I Asked Before I Ran Down To Child Support Court! @Tdgiddensauthor
Book Description
Publication Date: December 1, 2014
Are you, or someone you know, one of millions of single parents living without any financial support from the “other parent?”
Have you been offered advice from well-meaning friends and family, but still can’t decide what to do next?
Taking the first step of filing for child support isn’t always so simple, or cut and dried, which is why 21 Questions I Asked Before I Ran Down To Child Support Court was written!
All the relevant and necessary questions you need to ask yourself before moving forward are explained and considered in detail step-by-step.
Author T.D. Giddens provides a personal view of this dilemma as seen through the lenses of Sara Larvae, a fictional character. Follow Sara as she navigates her way through the process while closely examining realistic goals. Both of these are necessary before making such a pivotal decision as filing a child support complaint.
This little book succinctly covers the gamut of essential questions, thereby alleviating any anxiety you might feel about asking for child support long before the court hearing ever begins. Each chapter discusses the pros and cons of initiating such an action by posing a simple question. An easy reference book for all new and/or seasoned single parents, it provides accurate, pertinent information for both custodial and non-custodial mothers and fathers. A “must read” for all!